Explore different work locations

Explore Different Work Locations

If your office operates in multiple locations, use KloudHybrid to explore other workplaces. Refer the “book a conference room from the infostots” section to learn how to book a seat at another location.

Please refer to the tutorial video page for related video tutorials.

The “Explore” feature displays a Google map view where you can find different Kloudspot office locations (Organization location on the globe) and when you click on it, a floor map and a 3-D view of the floor can be viewed.

  1. Click “Explore”. This will direct you to your favourite location.
  2. If you want to explore other locations, click on the All Sites button.
  3. In the bottom left corner, you can see the seat capacity card. This provides information on how many people have logged in both virtually and physically.

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  1. Select Kloudspot Office location you want to explore from the window that opens.

Note: You can also use the search bar and dropdown menu to find a location.

Mentor Meeting
  1. The office 2D view will Appear.

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  1. Click on office 2D view and Go up to 360-degree view. That gives you the experience of going to the office physically.

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Info spot 3-D View

In the 3-D view, you can also find the info spots. where you can book a new seat/re-book a seat, sit physically or virtually for work.

To book a seat from the info spots:

  1. Click on Explore menu and select the desired location when you wish to book a seat.
  2. Click on the infospot.
  3. A window is displayed with the details of that info spot.

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  1. Select the timeframe.

  2. Click Book now.

Note: This is also called quick booking. When you book it from here, the booking time starts now.

  1. You can also go to different rooms and look for a seat by clicking on the View () icon which takes you to that location.

  2. Booked seats are displayed with the display pictures of the associate. When you click on that display picture, it displays the information about that associate who booked it as shown below.

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To book a conference room from the infostots

  1. Click on the Explore menu and select the desired location you wish to book a room. Then click the conference room icon.
Mentor Meeting
  1. A pop-up window will open with booking details. Fill all the information and click the Book Now button.

  2. Refer How to book a conference room section for more details.

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